Sunday, 17 November 2019

WAGS 13.11.2019: Hilke leads in Paderne

Regrettably, with only 9 days to prepare for our next trip, (not easy), I haven’t time to do other than publish the pix from Hilke’s highly efficiently conducted walk .

The instruction were transmitted via Rod who harnessed the power of both WhatsApp and Gmail to communicate  with both techphiles and Luddites.

Dear Rod,
here are my instructions for Wednesday:
Meet in the carpark in Paderne near the Centro de Saude and the football stadium (coming from
the west: on the right directly after the cemetery; coming from the east: when you have passed
the very narrow part of the road in the town centre  and gone downhill, at the foot of the hill on the left) at 10 o'clock
sharp, at the foot of the statue. If you want coffee, there is a bar across the road.
We will have to go by car to the starting point, in as few cars as possible (around 5 minutes). The drivers
will have to be taken to their cars at the end of the walk.
The walk is between 10 and 11km long, easy walking on rural lanes, just one hill, long, but not steep.
If you want to walk, please inform Hilke via e-mail (
or phone (282381588 or 912433963).

And, so the WAGS gathered for a 10 o’clock 'sharp' start at the appointed venue.

Well that's it folks. See you at the Xmas blowout on 11th  December

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