Saturday, 12 October 2019

WAGS 09.10.2019: New Season; Keeping It Going

Just in case you were worried that there might be no WAGS walk in the absence of Paul and, worse still, no blog in the absence of Paul, Yves and JohnH, lo and behold, Ingrid springs to the rescue with a succinct report and photos to prove it

Hi All,
Here some pictures of our walk, Rod, Jim, Peter, Janet, Dina, and me.

We waited for Frank till 10,20 am. but no show hope all is well. Had apologies from Terry & Jill who had urgent errands to take care of, John Hope assisting a friend in need, Hazel had a painful heel and went to see the doctor, Hilke had a bad cold and did not want to spread the germs, and last but not least Yves was waiting for a delivery of a new washing machine…

So off we took 20 minutes late, beautiful weather and I may say we all enjoyed a good walk at a comfortable pace. We did 10km.
Back at Cafe Chapim we enjoyed a very tasty tosta mixta and a cool drink.

Thanks to all who came.

New car, new computer, new washing machine….what ever next?


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