I think you may guess that my intention with the acronym is Western Algarve Photographic Society, as we seem to be taking more artistic photos en route than actually indulging in Geriatric Strolling.
However when I said the acronym to myself, I realised the PC danger that it might be pronounced, or still worse, spell-corrected, as WOPS, which, though it might not be particularly pejorative to any individual in our WAGS (at least I don't think so), could be construed as an offensive term by some Italian Americans or even Italians. HOWEVER, as my etymological dictionary tells me, the widely circulated origin of the word, particularly used by Italian American Politicians to make political capital, refers to folk etymology for the word “wop,” a common term of disparagement for Americans of Italian descent, that in the early 1920s many Italians tried to enter the United States illegally. These would-be immigrants were rounded up by U.S. officials and sent back to Italy with documents labelled W.O.P. which supposedly stood for “Without Papers” referring to the papers needed for legal immigration. This is in fact erroneous.
You’ll find a lot of etymological bologna if you google the word “wop.” especially the above. Oh no it is not!
“Wop,” which originated in the United States, has been a derogatory term for an Italian since 1908. But it’s not an acronym and it has nothing to do with immigration documents.
The word comes from guappo, a word in Sicilian and Neapolitan dialects that means a swaggering thug. It’s ultimately derived from the Latin vappa, or “sour wine,” a word the Romans used figuratively for a worthless guy. Come to think of it - there may be some relevance after all,
Luckily no-one has so far taken out a Court injunction over this 'Advisory Poster' at Cafe ZigZag, and at least none of the WAGS were forcibly removed.
Having sorted that out, and for the reasons enunciated (well you can't even compare a woman to a horse let alone a cow or a female dog in these ultra-sensitive days) deciding to stick with our WAGS acronym, I found myself with a photo-rich blog to prepare, having had 60+ photos sent to me by 5 of the 10 walkers, without even looking at my own 30 photos plus track pix and stats. And don't get me started on different sizes, formats, edited versions or methods of sending said photos. They all required my personal attention to prepare them to be published in this blog. But after all we do have a talented group of photographers, and at least two of them have proper cameras and not just smart phones. Now to the Walk - theoretically the purpose of our meetings and the justification for this Blog.
L-R: Janet Paul Ingrid Maria.Yves, Myriam, Rod, Antony, Hazel and John

Here I decided to lead the group down to the beach and up the RTC 'Middle way' to the Coastguard House. Not strictly within WAGS criteria, but all felt capable and there were no strong objections.
Bottom of the descent where the valley runs to Castelejo Beach
Hazel at Sea Level
Halfway up to the Coastguard House the two factions reunited. A good day for this climb with the wind pushing from behind.
Looking into the abyss.
The Coastguard House - much abused since the effort to restore it over 10 years ago
The Wings of an Angel!
Inside had been vandalised
The Three shortcutters
In flagrante delicto!
Photographer and Director
and TM's
Of course Antonio, although restricted to half a TM with his Dad, had his artistic juices flowing-
and produced the 'food shot' of the day. Note the carefully arranged mustard packet to draw the eye towards the bifana!
There were many more photos and apologies if I haven't included your best work. I thought there might be a tightly edited vid from Antonio's Mavic 2, but I guess he is learning a lesson. Its easy to acquire miles of video, but takes longer to edit it. A bit like Life!
Well, the drone is certainly against the comfort of the ladies.
ReplyDeleteWhen Anthony brought it out first(?) on my Paderne walk, I was strongly advised not to take a comfort stop as the drone was just about to take its course. Taking it as a joke or not: I would definitely prefer the drone out of our sight!