Thursday, 4 January 2018

WAGS 03.01.2018:Silverlocks and the three Grumps

A blonde-haired juvenile delinquent breaks into an ursine family home and proceeds to indulge her penchant for fussy eating and fidgetiness around furniture.

We can all identify that story no doubt.  However looking deeper into the tale we find that the above summary is a fairly modern retelling of an originally very different situation.

 When it was first published in 1837, Goldilocks didn't feature at all. Instead the chief character was an old woman with silver rather than blonde hair.  Even before the story was published, by Robert Southey, Poet Laureate from 1813 to 1843, a traditional oral version went around in which the female antagonist was not even human, but perhaps a fox or rather a vixen, and  later this was interpreted as a cunning old woman. An easy mistake to make I must say.  And in the first published version, the bears weren't a family, but 3 bachelor bears of unspecified sexual orientation.

  Casting a modern eye over this fairy tale, there are indeed questions to be answered. Where were the girls parents, and what on earth were they doing letting her wander around alone? What happened to parental supervision? She would doubtless have been whisked away by Social Security had they found out.  And then she comes across a house that definitely belongs to someone else, yet she brazenly walks in and starts scoffing porridge.  Any insurance company would throw out the Bears' claim for the broken chair as they clearly left the property unlocked and insecure. 
    And why would the Bears prepare porridge at 3 different temperatures then immediately leave the premises. It has been proven that Bears shit in the woods, but never all at the same time!!  And they did after all have a house which should have had a toilet.
     There doesn't appear to be any moral to this story.  Goldilocks breaks in, wreaks havoc and steals porridge yet when the bears get back she runs away and never sees them again.  The strangest thing is that the true villain is this nasty little vandal of a girl, and not three fearsome bears.

    Anyway, I have let this digression progress too far.   My main point is that the Alvor Beach Walk I proposed as a gentle warm up for 2018, may not have been to the taste of all the Bears. At least one Bear found it too long and tiring, Another couple of Bears found it too short and rather boring, Possibly, and this is by no means certain, some Bears found it to be 'Just Right'!
   This has a moral - You can't please all of the Bears all of the time.

     So thanks to a particularly vague instruction, we all gathered in different carparks near the Alvor waterfront, at varying distances from the start of the Boardwalk.  One WAG having done a recce the day before claimed to have found 3 different boardwalks, (one for each Bear) so gave up and settled for waiting for the leader near the aerodrome on the way in to Alvor.  Another, who clearly had never been a boy scout, failed to digest the instructions and drove around the area where we had previously started in a walk last year, until failing to see any WAGS called in on his phone and was talked in to the GZ by the leader.
       Having used up some of our coffee time we gathered at the Municipal Swimming pool cafe for a slightly more expensive coffee than our usual brew.

      Having caffeined up, and one of the Bears having had a go at the owner for the extortionate pricing of a meia de leite, not realising we were returning there for the snacks later, we lined up in front of the start of the boardwalk. John skilfully timed his photo so that no one passed in front of the lens during the 10 second delay, and then even more skilfully edited out two ladies who stubbornly stood in the background of the shot.

A good turn-out. L-R Peter, Frank, John O. Antje Maria, Hazel, Rod, Ton, Geraldine, Paul, Myriam, Chris and John H.

  The walk proceeded fairly sedately down the board walk, off the end to the wide shore (the tide was out) and then to the mole. Plenty of photo opportunities and it was a glorious clear sunny day without the punitive temperatures associated with summer. As you can see, most were fairly well wrapped up against the cold early morning, but gradually disrobed as we WAGged along.

Plenty of room to spread out and go your own pace.

We soon reached the sea wall before the mole

A magnificent sea cucumber stranded on the flat top of the mole, alas on its last tentacles. A brave rescue attempt by Maria who sacrificed her satsuma bag to pick it up, foundered when her relaunching attempt failed to clear the rocks at the bottom of the bank. " Don't worry - the tide is coming in!" was the cry.

Most of the bears went on to the beacon at the end of the mole, as the leader had hopes that Maria might make her usual ascent for photographic purposes, but we were foiled as the steps were inside behind a locked door. Nevertheless, a helpful young lady stood in a team photographer and produced rather a pleasing result with the OnePlus 5.

Chris and Antje are in the background on the beach!

The other way.

Before leaving we employed another young fisherman who showed great patience while the Artistic Director arranged this historic shot below.

Shortest in the front, tallest at the back, in single file fan out!

Arty grey-scale shot of the return by John.

Et tu Brute! (Paul's similar attempt.)

     After we regained the beach, we began to pick up speed as the sand was firm, and the bifanas beckoning.

Myriam, too showed her artistic talents.....

Chris and Antje cut off early back to the cafe, while the rest carried on to the Tres Irmaos

Mindful of his promise to keep it well within parameters the Leader sounded the retreat, turned and headed back along the eastern boardwalk to the cafe.

Some colourful artwork and sea urchins displayed in the campers nearby.

We reached the cafe having taken note of the Government Health warning.....

and had fairly modest stats on the |Garmin.

And the track of course:=

 We found Chris and Antje sitting in the cafe having already given their stamp of approval to the bifanas on offer.

A splendid if slightly overpriced selection of snacks and drinks were available. The owners did well considering there were 12 of us and no two wanted the same order.
Of interest when I got the bill,was the fact that as a municipal facility, it was exempt from IVA on food and drink, which made even more profit for the house.

A nap after lunch!

Firing blanks!!

No substitute for experience!!

Subjected to a bagging order!

Well on reflection, most Bears were satisfied, and despite the potential Silver-locked vixens, it was a glorious day, a non-too demanding walk and great company.
Which reminds me of something else by the Poet Laureate.

Maria had a Little Lamb,
       She also had a bear.
I've often seen her Little Lamb,
       But never seen her Bear!

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