Having taken Myriam all the way to Evora for a modest birthday adventure, I thought I had sidestepped the responsibility of recording this week's activity, but the preferred backup, John, feinted right then went and joined the Lefties elsewhere, and abdicated completely. (His WAGS Membership is under review!)
Nevertheless, despite being cafe-less,(at the start), trackless, stat-less and photographically challenged, Rod came up with the following missive and a couple of photos to prove it really happened.
Here it is:
For the record, but unfortunately a map with full details failed to materialise in transmittable form and no photographic recorder was present
In attendance, as evidenced by a couple of pics, on a beautiful spring day were:
Thyl, Chris, Hilke, Gita, Frank (with Shelley) Ingrid, Rod with Misty, (and at a guess the camera was operated by Janette, a guest brought by Gita.)
We met at the usually reliable, at least by 10.00, Cafe Oriq (Ourique)
No sign of life - so no coffee! Curiously all evidence of the name (whatever the correct version is) seems to have been increasingly obliterated. Without a wake up shot therefore we headed towards the Barragem de Odelouca from where we set off.
The terrain around the dam is inevitably somewhat hilly but in terms of distance, about 6.5k.... time, almost exactly 3 hrs.....height, 147m... was within, even if approaching, the general limits of WAGS endurance. One foto however did show how WAGS (and doubtless AWW) walks should be conducted with a confident equus asinine leader and well disciplined bovines behind.
Born Leader
"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
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