Tuesday, 28 February 2017

WAGS 22.02.2017: Ourique/ Oriq Cafe and a Bare Bones Blog

Having taken Myriam all the way to Evora for a modest birthday adventure, I thought I had sidestepped the responsibility of recording this week's activity, but the preferred backup, John, feinted right then went and joined the Lefties elsewhere, and abdicated completely. (His WAGS Membership is under review!)
     Nevertheless, despite being cafe-less,(at the start),  trackless, stat-less and photographically challenged, Rod came up with the following missive and a couple of photos to prove it really happened.
  Here it is:

For the record, but unfortunately ​a map with full details failed to materialise in transmittable form and no photographic recorder was present

In attendance, as evidenced by a couple of pics​, on a beautiful spring day were:

Thyl, Chris, Hilke, Gita, Frank (with Shelley) Ingrid, Rod with Misty, (and at a guess the camera was operated by Janette, a guest brought by Gita.)
ouriquestarters 22022017
This time Rod took the pic
We met at the usually reliable, at least by 10.00, Cafe Oriq  (Ourique)

No sign of life - so no coffee!  ​Curiously all evidence of the name (whatever the correct version is) ​seems to have been increasingly  obliterated.  Without a wake up shot therefore we headed towards the Barragem de Odelouca from where we set off.
​  ​
The terrain around the dam is inevitably somewhat hilly but in terms of distance, about 6.5​k.... time, almost exactly 3 hrs.....height, 147m... was within,  even if approaching, the general limits of WAGS endurance. One foto however did show how WAGS (and doubtless AWW) walks should be conducted  with a confident equus asinine leader and  well disciplined bovines behind.

Born Leader

The Cafe Oriq was in full functioning order upon our return and produced, as judged by those that had them, one of the best Tostas Mistas around.


"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."

Saturday, 18 February 2017

WAGS 15.02.2017 Treading the Boards, Alvor.

   Bearing in mind the rigours of St Valentines day, following hard on the heels of S. Vicente's Day, the walk proposed for 15th February was to be relatively undemanding, yet scenic and bracing.
We had a certain amount of rain the previous 5 or 6 days, so the Alvor Boardwalk was chosen as being least likely to be muddy, and unlikely to soil the highly technical footwear exhibited by our members.
    The Hopes had defected back to the AWW, so the starter photo was casually taken by me without the benefit of a Gorilla Pod, and so only contains the other 9 punters.
    We met at the highly rated Barca de Alvor, womanned by the owner, a very nice local lady,  the menu board looked good.

L-R: Andy, Hilke, Chris, Antje, Frank, Gita, Thyl, Rod, Myriam.

Well almost 9, as Thyl demonstrates his chameleon-like skills and blends with the restaurant umbrella. In fact there were nearly only 7 of us, as Thyl did 3 drive-bys before determining it was safe to land. There was a hint of domestic navigational dispute in the air as Gita and Thyl arrived pretending not to know each other!
      Andy, Chris and Antje's bestie, and ofttimes dog and house sitter, was also persuaded to parade, having been promised an easy stroll and a tosta mista at the end.
      Frank arrived unannounced but in good time, and some malicious commentators hinted that he didn't reply to calling circulars to stay one step ahead of the Brigado Transito.

 Thyl spots the camera as Gita arrives under separate cover. The menu board proudly announces "The Best Breakfast"!   Perhaps later when we have earned it.

       The walk itself was leisurely and enjoyable. We went up through the town to the Igreja Matriz, turned right and down a secret dirt path to the harbour front and then made our way past the esplanade restaurants, fish market and lifeboat station to the start of the splendid boardwalk.

Igreja Matriz in the sun

Repairing the nets

Soon after we hit the boardwalk, the sole on one of Gita's Levi walking boots came unstuck and started flapping. Being a practical person, she performed a double sole-ectomy, and carried on, 2 cm shorter than hitherto.

Don't tell a sole!

After about 2 km, we reached the end of one section of the board walk, and noticed that with the tide out, we could continue to the beach side via the shore.

Chris returns from safari!

Broad flat paths allow for conversation - and no mud.

Abbey Road - Alvor style!

After this we descended to the long wide beach that is a feature of the southern side of the spit. The wind had got up and was in our faces, but with the tide out, we made good progress.

 Not too crowded!

Soon after this, Chris and Frank went for an early shower, leaving 8 of us to complete the course.

Tres Irmaoes at the eastern end of the beach.

At this point, we headed back to the board walk above the beach and headed back to Torralta. The board walk has only been completed right to the Prainha end of the beach since last year and is a sturdy, well built, not to mention, expensive construction. It really enhances this resort.

A fine sentiment for the Day after Valentine's

From Torralta and its abandoned and unsafe towers, we took a fairly direct route back to Barca de Alvor, slavering at the thought of an All Day FEB, only to find that the lady owner was packing up, having been left without assistance. She did ask what she could do for us, but we felt it unfair to inflict the assorted demands of 9 (Chris had rejoined) hungry walkers, so left for pastures anew.
 Many of the cafes in Alvor close during the winter, but on the way in I had noticed a place at the foot of a tower block which was open, and fortuitously it was near where I had parked my car, The grandly named cafe, Tesouros de Sabores had a suitable terrace enclosed in a transparent plastic windbreaker which was useful as the site between the towerblocks was a wind tunnel fit to test a Porsche at high speed.

Most went for a fairly tasty tosta mista as bifanas were off the menu, but the lady running it coped admirably with the usual diverse drinks orders. She also had a display selling honey made by her own family, which delighted Myriam and Rod when they found an unusual bitter medronha honey, and having tasted a sample, bought some.

Myriam had eaten half by the time I got round to this photo.

And so to the stats.

An acceptable WAGS walk.

The Track

And what better way to end a Boardwalk than with the Drifters.

"I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me."

Friday, 10 February 2017

WAGS 08.02.2017 Ponta e Porto


           A true WAGS Style walk. We met by very loose arrangement at either Retiro de Trindade (for coffee) if you managed to negotiate the Black Ball Roundabout as described by Chris, or at Ponta da Piedade Car Park, (if you forgot which walking regime you had signed up for, Ingrid,) either on Wednesday 7th, Wednesday 8th or Friday (Ingrid), but nominally around 10 am – if you could make it.

   A good turn out of 13, including a last one who suspiciously arrived late and then identified me with a kiss, but luckily she didn’t deny me three times before the cock.. ‘…….oh sorry that’s another story.

   It was a colder than expected day, as you can see by the dress, but perfect walking conditions.

  John took a starter photo, but spent the rest of the walk claiming he didnt have a camera and that he had retired from blogging. Methinks he protested too much.

Anyway, Chris after some procrastination and denying that he was the leader, refusing to accept more than ten,  took us off, and even sent in a fairly comprehensive set of notes which I append below. interspersed with random photos.

Starters before Ingrid arrived: John, Frank, Chris, Rod, Geraldine(front) Hazel, Paul, Maria (front) Myriam, Antje (on the phone to Ingrid) Peter, Hilke.

Chris writes:


Another cliff walk for the WAGS, this time from Ponta da Piedade, Lagos, to Luz and back. Thirteen participants turned up, some at the Cafe Trindade others at the lighthouse. Most having successfully navigated the Black Ball roundabout several times in both directions. Some were early, others late, so an average start time of about 10.20 was agreed upon.


IMG_20170208_104423Follow then follow – Down to the Hollow

Visual observation of the high tide at Porto do Mos meant that we followed the road down rather than the precarious cliff path that the AWW's took some 10 years ago.



Up from Porto de Mos

Climbing slowly up the hill towards Luz we were slightly delayed when Frank had to rescue Shelly from a tree that she had tried to climb in pursuit of a cat, which resulted in her getting stuck half way up. Fortunately her rescue didn't require the help of the Bombeiros, Frank doing the necessary but returning well scratched, from either cat, dog or the tree itself.


A dog in the hand ………


The next pantomime occurred when Hazel, usually collecting plastic bottle tops and unused sugar packets, apprehended a passing tourist unsure of where to deposit a banana skin, by requesting that he give her said article to add to her collection. Something to do with roses apparently, but now no longer will any WAGS or AWW's be allowed to hurl such articles into the bushes whilst Hazel is around.


Almond blossom in all its glory.

Nearing the obelisk above Luz two tourists had emerged from the Boa Vista Golf Course and were seeking directions for returning to Luz. Senior WAGS were only too glad to direct them over the near vertical precipice above the village, with the advice that in their younger days as AWW's they had both climbed up as well as down in a matter of minutes. No doubt the tourists descent was fairly rapid given that they were wearing quite unsuitable footwear.





Splendid view from the Obelisk.

Later in the walk some further items of discarded clothing were observed, including a pair of walking boots. Together with the items of underwear etc seen on previous WAGS walks it would seem that our phantom walking companion must by now be fully disrobed.













Needless to say the group were still sufficiently inspired to tackle the long ascent up to Ponta da Piedade with hardly a groan, despite both the distance and time now being nearly on the limit of WAGS stated criteria.


Paul got a tow up the hill..

Having concluded that he must have dropped his car keys somewhere near the finish, Frank was very relieved when an intelligent tourist picked them up and having identified via the remote which car they belonged to was able to return them to their grateful owner. After this excitement most of us repaired once more to Cafe Trindade to partake of what is probably the cheapest coffee and beer in town, as well as reasonably priced snacks and menus.


Back at Retiro de Trindade

Although I stopped counting at ten, participants were Rod, John, Hazel and Geraldine, Maria, Paul and Myriam, Ingrid, Hilke, Frank, Peter, Antje and myself together with Sascha, Shelly and Enkie.



The WAGettes , unusually well synchronised, performing an Oxalis Crushing routine.



Whose ears are burning?


Final Score. Met all the criteria – well done Chris.


WAGS 08022017 Ponte e Porta Trackpic

“I dreamed a thousand new paths. I woke and walked my old one.”

                                                                 Chinese Proverb

Sunday, 5 February 2017

WAGS 01.02.2017:Thyl leads from Benagil

The First Almond Blossoms of Spring
The first almond blossoms of Spring
  What better than a bit of floral grandeur to start the blog on a very sunny spring day in Benagil  A collage homage to these wonderful blossoms, redolent of Princesses yearning for their home land.

Once upon a time, when the Algarve was ruled by the Moors and was known as Al Garb, a young Prince by the name of Ibn-Almuncim ruled from the capital in Silves. He met Gilda, a Nordic Princess and they fell madly in love with each other; they married immediately and lived in Silves.
As time went by Gilda began to pine, she missed seeing snow in winter. Gilda yearned for the snow covered fields of her homeland. Her prince was saddened to see his beautiful wife pining away and tried everything in his power to make her happy, but still her heart ached.
One day, whilst riding through the countryside, the Prince hit upon a grand plan. He would transform the Al Garb into a winter wonderland. He ordered thousands of almond trees to be planted from the walls of the palace, down into the countryside as far as the eye could see.

When the time was right and the almond trees were in full bloom, the Prince strode into Gilda’s chambers where she lay pining and ordered all the windows to be opened. Taking his fair Princess by the hand, he led her to the open windows. As she looked out at the beautiful scene before her, she was amazed to see that the fields below were covered in what looked like snow. Bewildered, she saw a veritable winter wonderland before her very eyes. For miles and miles in every direction, the beautiful trees looked frosty and the ground was carpeted in almond blossom.

Gilda recovered from her decline immediately and, from that time on, every winter, she looked upon the “snow covered” fields and never pined for her homeland again. And so the Prince and the Princess lived happily ever after.

Anyway back to the modern day. Thyl, after a long absence had made a comeback at our S. Vicente Commemorative Walk the previous week, and had survived his WAGS indoctrination, while protesting he was not geriatric yet!. Still shell-shocked he had been cajoled into offering a walk this Wednesday and had chosen Benagil as his opener. Rod had carefully briefed him on the essential parameters (NOT Rules) of a WAGS walk, but there was a suspicion that he wasn’t quite sure of the esoteric format currently in force. Fortunately we had Gita there to translate and curb any tendencies to go off piste and stretch the parameters.
     He had sadly announced that he had been unable to find a coffee shop open for our 10 am start, and had sought special dispensation, grudgingly granted, so as not to alienate him altogether. 
    Fortunately habitual WAGS are resourceful, and driving on my way to the RV, I received a phone call from Antje and Chris who had already arrived and had found a working coffee shop above the beach on the opposite side of the bay.  And very welcome it was too, and in the event, Brisa del Mar will perhaps be a better option for the start for walks in this area. Alas the message didn’t get through to the rest of the group, but we eventually all gathered in the large carpark in front of  O Litoral Restaurant, where I found the above almond blossom in full splendour.
We eventually set off shortly after 1015 and a group photo.
Geraldine, Thyl, Gita, Chris, Antje, Rod, Lindsay, Paul, Frank Ingrid, Myriam, John ‘Jazz Hands’ H, Hazel , Janet
The (Iberian) lynx-eyed will have noticed a return by Frank of Arabia.  Rod was also sporting not only new Karrimor racing plimsolls, to offset his blisters of the previous event,  but also a pair of ultra lightweight ski poles.
   After a start, when Thyl was asked which way to leave the car park, and he replied “I have no idea, I haven’t reccied that bit!”, we swiftly reached our habitual path above O Algar Restaurant and headed East, carefully keeping the sea on the right.
   No underwear lingerie-ing in the bushes this time, but of course Myriam managed to spot an abandoned and fairly soiled set of shorts near our path,
The sky was blue, the scenery stunning and little wind made for an exceedingly pleasant walk.
Minor ups and downs.

New initiative from ‘Elf and safety’
Look carefully and you will see some birds on the beach. Cue Senior WAGS grabbing spectacles!
Mistress of all she surveys!
The walk was fairly routine until we reached the Praia da Marinha Car Park, where there had been a Skoda unveiling event the previous day. A couple of the cars and a mobile toilet were the only evidence.
Never one to pass an opportunity as this , Chris headed for the mobile toilet, whereupon a vigilant security guard leapt out of her car, and halted him in his tracks, announcing that it was only for Skoda owners. Despite his protestations that he once owned a Skoda, and that a tricky bladder had made him desperate, she overruled him, neither demanding he produce a Skoda nor evidence that he needed to go!. The toilet remained unsullied by the micturition of a Peugeot owner!.
The WAGettes, (or most of them) performing the ritual marking the spot at a scenic viewpoint.

It wasn’t all easy!

And then we hit the wall

Navigation on the way back was done by a combination of dead reckoning, partly remembered paths and my GPS, but we eventually emerged on to the path at the top of the cliff leading to O Litoral Car Park.
Unfortunately, as the staff at O Litoral were swift to point out, O Litoral is a Restaurant, and as such served meals and not the habitual WAGS fare of Bifanas, Tosta Mistas and assorted snacks. We sat at a large long table on the terrace and very nice it was until the menus were produced and prices of the items thereon were scanned. Nevertheless we mostly settled for Fish soup  (Euros 4.50), beers and coffees, except the Hopes who went for the more exotic, baked cheese (John), Asparagus (Geraldine) and a Designer Salad, (Hazel)

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It’s all in the presentation
A note was made to recce the start and end cafes as assiduously as the walk, but all agreed that it was a good first try by Thyl, and we would let him lead again.
We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.
William Golding

For the record here are the stats and the track picture:-

Total distance was 7.65 km, total time just short of 3 hours with a pedestrian moving average of 3.3km/hr

As a post script, Myriam and I stopped off at Apolonia on the way home, to see where the Hopes and their kith do their grazing, and I spotted an elegant looking chap sporting a Tilley model I didn’t yet own. On interrogation he confessed he was a Canadian from near Toronto, and also a Tilley fanboy.
The model he had was the latest in cool hats from Tilley just flown in last week. It not only boasted a new technical fabric, but also front and rear vents to allow cooling breezes to circulate to the scalp. It is designated the TTCH1 and a full specification can be found HERE
Suffice to say, Myriam’s sisters in Vancouver were WeChatted (like WhatsApp only for the Chinese Mafia) immediately, and a TTCH1 will be couriered over in early June by Myriam’s nephew, just in time for my birthday and the warmer weather. Should any fashion conscious and practical WAGS desire such an item, perhaps we can come to some arrangement while he still has space in his luggage.