Friday, 25 November 2016

WAGS 2016 11 23: Poetic Licence and Then Some


A walk from Bensafrim.

Rod advertised this as a joint AWW/WAGS walk, having a 9.30 am start, with a +/- 15 km distance, and the option of a less-than-10 km route for the WAGs. His publicity certainly worked because by 9.15 am there were more walkers assembling in Bensafrim´s market square than there were local inhabitants. There were two or three market stalls offering winter clothing but they were devoid of customers.

Hedley made his first appearance of the season, setting the bar for sartorial strolling splendour at a very high level. One doubts that Paul´s new season´s gear can possibly be up to the challenge. 


Decathalon´s Finest

Despite the numbers, the group were remarkably well-disciplined as they assembled for the starter picture, listening intently to the Leader´s “Don´t Straggle” Lecture as they did so.


I have little idea of all their names, but of the waggish persuasion, there were:- Rod, Hazel, Rose, Hedley, Peter, JohnH, as well as Ingrid who sounded distinctly dubious about the suden influx of new blood to the AWWs.


This is the Leader´s report:-

23/11 AWW  (and some WAGS!)​ Walk​

Quite the most striking aspect of this week's walk was the astounding number of people that turned up...27 assorted folk!   So many indeed that having lost my written aide memoire ( I have a new one of those every day now) I can't possibly remember who was there....well I didn't  even know half of them. Anyway John H and Gill 's pics seem to have taken in the group one way or another so I am sure you will be able to identify them for yourselves.
If this is typical of today's AWW numbers we will be competing with Julie Statham before long!
Whilst far too many for my liking ( not that that has any particular bearing on the matter any longer) I have to say it was a quite remarkably orderly and disciplined group. ...straggling, to some extent inevitable, was minimal, nobody (as far as I was aware ) got lost,  and moans and groans  (at least audible to me ) were indeed rare.
We set off, almost on time indeed, on a crisp but mostly sunny morning, from Bensafrim ' s market square heading in a westerly direction. The pre-​walk description having been deliberately rather vague left plenty of discretion as to  the  precise  route but in any event we covered  a range of hills, valleys and ridges of the lower Serra de Espinha  do C​ã​o with its  wild unbroken countryside and great views and vistas. ​   ​

Memorable events there were really almost none. ..nobody fell in, out  or down and nobody got stung  (although we had to retrace our steps at one point to avoid some active beehives ).The final distance of some 18k ( somewhat less for a couple of WAGS ...Peter and Hedley. .who peeled of early ) was slightly (sic) in excess of that advertised but did take in the obligatory trig point and a slightly (sic) elongated tailend.
Bensafrim ' s cafés are not really equipped to handle such an invasion but the Café Nacional did pretty well and found a back room which they opened up to get us out of their way...although  a few WAGS​, in the know,​ disappeared off to seek the charms of Gloria in her nearby hideaway. 
Until the next time.






Gill Lamont agreed to be guinea pig for the traditional trig shot and, for good measure, she photographed the groundlings.





At about 14 km, when we were within a comfortable distance of home, all downhill as the saying goes, and when we were just beginning to smell the beer, Rod had a sudden rush of blood to the head, influenced no doubt by all these new fit young recruits to the AWW, turned sharply to the right and threw in an unexpected diversion, with hills to boot, which must have added an extra 2 km to the tally.

AWW track 2016 11 23 Bensafrim


Distance:18 Kms

Time: 4 hrs 58 minutes

Ascent: 535 metres  

15 kms plus or minus – fair enough  - but to stretch that to 18 kms is poetic licence indeed! 

The Cafetaria do Mercado, with typical apathy as far as potential sales and profits are concerned, had of course already closed by the time we got back, so we had to repair down the long high street (adding another km there and back) to the Café Nacional which for some reason was exceptionally busy and crowded and which became even more jam-packed as the AWWs piled in. Not wanting to wait too long for a drink, Rod and JohnH nipped round the corner to the much quieter Gloria´s Bar where they were later joined at what became a rather exclusive WAGs-only table by Ingrid and Hazel. It was heartening to see that most of the regular AWW lot did look in at Gloria´s afterwards to pay their respectful thanks for the walk to the Leader as he sat ensconced at the top table.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

WAGS 2016 11 16: Let Down by the Leader: Life Belts and Life Jackets Lacking


A walk from Retiro dos Pescadores in Pedreiras.


JohnH, Hazel, Maria, Rod, Tony and Peter, fresh from his spell in bed with new Monia

A sparkling morning, great for a stroll. We started along the canal near the Retiro dos Pescadores. The water looked very inviting.



Too inviting, because very soon Mistie had dived in, only to find she couildn´t scramble out again – the concrete bank to the canal being too steep. Rod had to sprawl down to grab her collar to heave her out, very nearly going in head first himself. Whereupon Tony´s two dogs took it in turn to dive in as well, with the same result and near disaster. How the Leader had had the thoughtlessness to lead the group along this perilous track without warning the dog owners in advance of the risks and without providing proper safety equipment, we will leave to him to sort out with his conscience. And he also screwed up in his role as paparazzo, failing to get any pictures of Rod and Tony teetering on the brink of the canal.


After the canal episode, there was no more excitement, at least not until we had settled down for refreshments back at the Retiro when Hazel and Maria found to their delight that there was wild boar stew with beans on the menu.

AWAGS track 2016 11 16 Pescadores

Total distance: 8.04 km. Total Time: 2 hrs 30 mins.

Moving time: 1 hr 59 mins. Average Moving Speed: 4.1 kph.

Total Ascents: 316 metres.


Just what the doctor ordered, and, once more, Myriam commented from afar:-

Boa Tarde from a rainy Padstow in Cornwall.

Sorry for myself not being there to witness the excitement! Life jackets should be added to the list of essential items for walking/hiking!!

No photos of the dog owners sprawled on the ground?

Myriam xx


Which gives us a chance to show a picture of the famous Padstow lifeboat:-


WAGS 2016 11 09: Monchique, But It Didn´t Rain Much


Not only yet another minimalist blog, but a miniscule turn-out too. The Leader, Ingrid, embraced this minimalist concept with such enthusiasm that she submitted a NIL report.

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A discussion about chestnuts, I believe.

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Monchique from the Convento

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I thought that this shop sign was advertising cheap beans, but a far more experienced estrangeiro ( or should that be estrangeira )  told me that the establishment is called “Ugly Cockroach”. One way to attract custom, I suppose.

AWAGS track 2016 11 09 Monchique


Distance: 9.63 kms

Total Time: 3 hrs 52 min

Total Ascent: 453 metres

WAGS 2016 11 02: Barragem do Arade and Remexido


Another minimalist blog, mainly pictorial, for the record.


A leisurely start, of course

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We met, and ended up,  at João de Deus Bar in Messines, then took a scenic drive to the Barragem do Arade bridge where we started the walk.


Not a long one but varied and with a few sharp hills including one, needless to say, with a trig point. The pics tell the story well enough. 

For the interest of those on the walk, and anyone else interested in local Algarve history and fables, this link throws some different light on the somewhat curious sign which was the subject of much discussion and that appears in one of the fotos below. Perhaps Remexido, a chap with strong local connections clearly, in fact took refuge in that little stone structure appearing in another pic.!​

Cheers, Rod


Casa Remexido ????


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Two traditional trig shots.


Distance: 7.25 km

Total time: 2 hrs 51 m

Moving time: 2 hrs 06 m

Average moving: 3.4 kph

Ascent: 288 metres

AWAGS track 2016 11 02 Messines

And Myriam commented from afar:-

Sorry for myself to have missed this walk!

Yes, Remexido was a pioneer of guerrilla warfare. Perhaps Chairman Mao had learned from him!!

It's raining and cold in Cornwall today.
We had been lucky with the weather in Cornwall for the past week, no rain and quite mild.  But it's raining today!! And the forecast is for more rain!!

Best to you all
Myriam xx